Join the waitlist

Use our RapidLaunch AI™ to minimize the time it takes to start, launch, and scale new ventures. 

Get early access and a discount

Join our waitlist, become a founding member, get access to iKooru’s RapidLaunch AI™ platform for a discounted price.

Free Plan

Best for those looking for their next big idea, and would like some clarity along the way.
$ 0
  • 1,000 Utility Tokens
  • Idea Validator
  • Opportunity Finder
  • Access to Basic AI tools
  • 1 VIP member included
  • Access to the iKooru RapidLaunch AI Community

Community Plan

Best for early-stage startups want to raise capital, test their ideas, and find product market fit.
$ 33
  • 25,000 Utility Tokens
  • AI Marketing Tools
  • AI Generated Business Model Design
  • AI Powered Operational Cadence
  • AI-Driven Product Management
  • Equity Cap Table
  • 2 team members included
  • Access capital fast with crypto based crowd funding

Innovator Plan

Best for serious innovators who want to launch multiple products.
$ 79
  • 75,000 Utility Tokens
  • AI Business Tool Access
  • AI Generated Business Model Design
  • AI Powered Operational Cadence
  • AI-Driven Product Management
  • AI Smart Contracts Generator Access
  • Blockchain based Equity Cap Table
  • 5 team members included
  • Access capital fast with crypto based crowd funding

Scale Plan

Best for early-stage startups that have raised capital and need to apply an operational cadence for scale
$ 249
  • 500,000 Utility Tokens
  • AI Business Tool Access
  • AI Generated Business Model Design
  • AI Powered Operational Cadence
  • AI-Driven Product Management
  • Equity Cap Table Smart Contracts
  • 20 team members included
  • Access capital fast with crypto based crowd funding

Start, Launch, and Scale New Tech Ventures Fast!

Efficient Market Research and Consumer Insights:

iKooru's RapidLaunch AI can automate and expedite the process of market research. It can analyze large amounts of data from various sources such as social media, news articles, industry reports, and more to provide insights into market trends, competitive landscape, customer behavior and needs. This allows innovators to make data-driven decisions, validate their ideas, and build products or services that meet market demands.

Streamlined Prototyping and Product Development:

iKooru and the RapidLaunch AI community can assist in the rapid development of product prototypes by providing insights into design efficiency, material selection, and potential performance outcomes. It can also help in identifying potential issues and improvements during the development phase, minimizing the time and resources spent on revisions.

Optimized Operations and Scalability:

iKooru's AI tools and automated agents for business can help innovators streamline their operations by automating repetitive tasks, managing supply chains, and optimizing resource allocation. This not only improves efficiency but also makes it easier to scale operations as the venture grows.

Personalized Marketing and Sales Strategies:

iKooru can help analyze customer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns to provide personalized marketing and sales strategies. This can help tech ventures engage customers more effectively, drive sales, and improve customer retention. The AI can continuously learn and adjust these strategies over time as it gathers more data, ensuring that the marketing and sales efforts remain effective as the market evolves.

Turn your passion into products and your ideas into income.

“Embarking on a tech venture is exciting, yet it’s fraught with unique challenges. Whether it’s time-consuming market research, complex prototyping, or scaling operations, these processes can be burdensome and costly. But imagine if you had an equalizer, a tool that could remove these barriers and empower you to accelerate your venture’s success, regardless of where you’re located?

This is where iKooru comes in. The name iKooru means ‘equal’ in Japanese, and this reflects our mission – to empower anyone, anywhere, with the power of AI to minimize the time it takes to start, launch, and scale new ventures. Our cutting-edge platform, RapidLaunch AI™, is designed to do just that. By automating essential tasks and providing data-driven insights, RapidLaunch AI™ streamlines your processes, helps you make informed decisions that align with market needs, and ultimately, puts you on an equal footing with the biggest players in your field.

We’re inviting you to become a part of our community of innovators. Join our waitlist today and you’ll have the chance to become a founding member, gaining early access to RapidLaunch AI™. As a founding member, you’ll not only get to shape the future of tech startups, but you’ll also avail of our platform at a special discounted price.

Spaces on our waitlist are limited, so don’t wait. Embrace this opportunity to supercharge your startup’s growth trajectory and join the iKooru revolution today. Let’s make technology venture equality a reality together.”

Join the waitlist

Sign up to join waitlist below. 


As the name suggests, RapidLaunch AI can help startups launch their products or services more quickly. The faster you can bring your product to market, the sooner you can begin generating revenue, which is crucial for a startup’s survival and growth.

 By providing data-driven insights into market trends and customer behavior, RapidLaunch AI can help startups make informed decisions and reduce the risk of launching a product that doesn’t meet market needs.

Startups often have to make critical decisions under pressure. RapidLaunch AI can provide the data and analytics needed to make these decisions more confidently.

Startups typically operate on tight budgets. iKoorus RapidLaunch AI can help minimize costs associated with manual market research, product development, and other labor-intensive tasks by automating these processes. This allows startups to allocate their resources more efficiently.

As startups grow, they need to scale their operations. RapidLaunch AI can facilitate this process by automating tasks and providing insights into optimal resource allocation. automating these processes. This allows startups to allocate their resources more efficiently.


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